Sunday, April 8, 2007

Special Programme part 2

Besides dressing up ourselves, we dressed up the room as well. It was decorated with many many balloons. And if you look closely, we see a cup on constance and rebecca's heads. strange isn't it?

As part of the programme, we had a short play too..

Simon was our in-studio reporter
Sarah as our live reporter
Ron as our Doctor with the itch
Cheryl as our cured person
Jessica, Vanessa, Henry as our 'diseased' crowd
Daniel, Jia Min, Jacob as our 'cured' crowd
The story goes: The world has been hit by a strange disease. H5N10, it's everywhere.. not one is spared. The disease is deadly.. itchy. There is panic and more itchiness. The day after the disease breaks out, we have a mysterious letter from a mysterious person named Xiao xiao ren, who claims that as long as you believe in his death, you'll be cured. Shortly after the letter is broadcasted on BNN news, reports of people no longer itching surface! the end.
sometimes, we forget that sin is a disease. It is deadly and everyone has it. Only by believing that Jesus died and rose again from the dead, can we be 'cured from the disease.
Moving on, we played games! it was funny as we watched them(the p6s) pass the message using charades. We even had live music provided by simon and jacob.We also had the P6s play the blanket game, which involved them having to guess the identity of the other person hidden behind the door. For the P5s, they played pass the electric current.
Despite all the fun, we hope that the underlying message was passed on to them..

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